Why Container Shredding Services Are Perfect For You
How Often Do You Shred?
Throughout our regular runs to perform on site shredding services, we encounter many companies that would definitely qualify for needing a subscription container shredding service. We often find ourselves going to the same locations, but without any kind of regularity that this service will provide.
This can be inefficient as well as costly for a business.
What Is Subscription Paper Shredding?
A subscription shredding service entails putting customers on a schedule that is typically monthly, or quarterly, that includes a shredding company showing up to your business to do your shredding for you.
Between visits, the company leaves a locked bin/receptacle (or more than one depending on the amount of paper waste created) for employees to discard of important paperwork. This eliminates the need to worry about important information laying around, as well as clutter starting to build up at your place of business.
All you have to do is wait for the company to show up at the agreed upon time, and they will destroy the documents on site.
Advantages of an On Site Subscription Shredding Service Are:
- Personalized service tailored to your shredding needs
- Regular visits, these can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or any other agreed upon timeframe
- Important documents stored in a locked container until shredding
- Cost-savings from productivity saved instead of putting employees in charge
- Less clutter
- Regular shredding ensures that you are compliant with all state and federal laws and regulations concerning personal information
How Can We Help?
We offer secure subscription document shredding services to Racine, Kenosha and Walworth counties in Wisconsin and McHenry and Lake Counties in Illinois.
Contact us to see how you can start saving money while also being able to count on the timely peace of mind that container shredding services provide.